
The number you have dialed cannot be connected at present. Please try again later.

Nomor yang anda tuju tidak dapat dihubungi. Mohon periksa kembali nomor tujuan anda.

The number you are calling is not defined. Please check again the number you are calling.

Jurusan yang anda tuju sedang sibuk. Cobalah beberapa saat lagi.

The destination you are calling is busy. Please try again in a view minutes.

Your international call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again.

Mohon maaf, nomor anda sedang di blok. Silakan hubungi pusat pelayanan pelanggan Telkomsel.

Sorry, your number has been blocked. Please contact Telkomsel customer center.

1 Response to "Untitled"

Anonymous said...

ah yg ptg asik bisa pideo kol hahaha...cihuy!

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